Thursday, August 28, 2008

Portfolio 1 - Grand Challenges for Engineering

Looking at the current situation of the world, the “even distribution of engineers’ inventions” as mentioned in article one will be paramount to the profession. Many third world countries still lack the technologies to counteract the ongoing threats due to insufficient funds and knowledge. Engineers should distribute their inventions around the world to achieve global stability which is the utmost essence for the long run in civilization.

The invention of the NEWater system in Singapore can be shared with countries such as Thailand that lack clean water for consumption. With regards to the recent earthquake in Si Chuan, Japan can assist by imparting its knowledge on the infrastructure of their buildings as they are able to withstand the tremors of earthquakes to a great extent. Also, as America is well-known for their medical inventions against various lethal viruses and diseases, such vaccines can be dispersed to countries such as Africa for them to achieve health stability.

Although the even distribution of such invention is important, it requires large amount of funds to carry out the process. Thus countries should assist one another to achieve global stability against incoming threats. Such investments will benefit the world as a whole in the long run.


Chinwee said...

Terence has pointed out the sharing of technology between countries to countries. I believe this is one of the way in which we can aid one another to promote better ties between countries. The developed countries are far to wealthy in their inventions, whereas the developing countries are still struggling how to deal with react to disasters and even with clean water as what Terence had mention in the case of Thailand. To conclude, if developed countries are willing to assist the developing countries, it would bring out better relationship with one another, would this lead to no more world war in the future?

Nam Truong said...

I absolutely agree with you that the world stability can be achieved by a good distribution system of the engineering inventions. However, I want to modify that this distribution system has been facing with many obstacles that make it impossible.
first of all, we have to consider the system of holding copyright, because this is a very prevalent problem. In fact, in some countries, copyright of inventors is not considered seriously or even entertained by customers and governor, so it is so unfair to other countries who obeyed the copyright law that some technically developed countries have hesitated to cooperate with the countries lacking modern technique. Consequently, some innovative models and technical invention are not distributed broadly in the world. This problem is like a barrier which prevents the global distribution of the engineering inventions.
In conclusion, I think government of each country has to establish a stricted copyright law which can make inventors feel fair and help the distribution be more feasible.

darrylgoh said...
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darrylgoh said...

I agree with Terence that countries should share their technologies. For example, diseases can be infectious within country A so only country A does the research to find a cure for it but one day that disease can spread to another country. That country will have to do research too but think about it, if country A can share their technology with the other country, we can prevent lives from being lost before we start finding a cure for it. Some countries do not have the funds like Western countries to do research and development on their own and if Western countries are willing to share their technologies, it would have helped the poor countries alot. In brief, sharing of technologies not only help the living conditions of the poorer countries but they sure will provide a good relationship between the countries so I strongly agree that countries should help one another if they can so that there will be lesser problems in the world.